[1] 2021.01-2026.03 日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)项目(日本东京大学与日本大金工业合作项目), JPNP20004, “Research and development of optimal control systems integrating room conditioning devices by measuring the indoor environments”, 1.5亿日元(约800万RMB), 项目骨干 [2] 2018.04-2022.03 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)基础研究(C)项目, 18K03979, “ITERブランケットの健全性に関わる狭隘流路内ヘリウムガスの熱伝達特性の解明”, 参与 [3] 2016.01-2019.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51576121, “一种半解耦式高蒸发温度下降温除湿与分级冷却的除湿热泵循环机理研究”, 参与 |
[1] Feng Xu, Jinxin Wang, Kei Sakurai, Yuka Sakai, Shunsuke Sabu, Hiroaki Kanayama, Ruizi Zhang, Daisuke Satou, Yasuki Kansha, Soft-sensor model for indoor temperature prediction under heating conditions, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2024, 51: 102650.(SCI收录) [2] Feng Xu, Qiusheng Liu, Makoto Shibahara, Transient and steady-state heat transfer for forced convection of helium gas in minichannels with various inner diameters, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 191: 122813.(SCI收录) [3] Feng Xu, Qiusheng Liu, Makoto Shibahara, Transient forced convective heat transfer of helium gas in a narrow tube heated by exponential time-varying heat source, Experimental Heat Transfer, 2022, 35(5): 591-610.(SCI收录) [4] Feng Xu, Qiusheng Liu, Makoto Shibahara, Experimental study on forced convection heat transfer of helium gas through a minichannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 171: 121117.(SCI收录) [5] Feng Xu, Zhoufeng Bian, Tianshu Ge, Yanjun Dai, Chi-Hwa Wang, Sibudjing Kawi, Analysis on solar energy powered cooling system based on desiccant coated heat exchanger using metal-organic framework, Energy, 2019, 177: 211-221.(SCI收录) [6] 许峰, 吴宣楠, 葛天舒, 代彦军, 喜冠南, 基于硅胶干燥剂的多孔基材性能测试, 制冷学报, 2018, 39(6): 61-69.(CSCD收录) |
个人获奖 2022, 第十七届“春晖杯”中国留学人员创新创业大赛优胜奖(国家级创赛), “船舶除湿专家——智能转轮除湿空调系统”, 许峰, 罗兆杰, 韩旭, 陶鑫, 牛昭峰, 侯亮, 张若澜, 葛天舒, 代彦军, 喜冠南 2021, 《神州学人》宣传推广工作优秀通讯员 2021, The 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE28) Best Video Presentation - Japan/Asia Award 2021, 西日本地区中国职工学友会会长(海外学联) 2020, 中国驻日本大使馆授予抗疫表彰 2019, 二十国集团领导人第十四次峰会(G20大阪峰会)优秀志愿者 2018, 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目奖学金(CSC)
人才培养获奖 2023, 第八届中国国际“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛铜奖(国家级创赛), 指导教师 2021, 中国驻大阪总领事馆授予“创业导师”称号